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I have prepared speeches on various architecture topics or I can tailor the speech to your desired topic of interest

Watch or listen to some of my speeches or interviews

Skim through my expertise webpage and Bio to get an impression of the breadth of areas within IT that I can talk about. Below are some example topics to give you an idea


Getting Digital

What does Digital typically mean. Why are fundamental architectural principles of the past still relevant. What are ways to go digital.


EA is your friend

The old days of the EA ivory tower of standards are gone. How to run a successful EA team nowadays.


Internet of Things

This isn't that hard so why do so many firms struggle with connecting assets for analytical or transactional purposes.

Hurricane Damage

Not everyone should innovate

How to properly innovate IT enabling solutions is not trivial. Be careful who you involve and how you manage IT enabled innovation.


ERP is here to stay

Integration between applications is still the toughest challenge. ERPs reduce that challenge drastically.

IT-Business partnership.jpeg

It's a business problem not an IT problem

What business leaders need to do to ensure successful IT enabled transformation.

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Or send me a quick e-mail on how I can help you

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